I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a great time at Grandma and Grandpa-lini's house. We left Oregon feeling very full and satiated. It is nice being closer to family, we have spent so few holidays together.
Posting may be a bit more sporadic here...I have just found out that I need to have surgery on December 13th, which also means at least 4 doctors appointments in between now and then. On top of that I am participating in the ornament swap that I did last year. I signed up before I knew I had to have said surgery. I am finishing up 10 ceramic ornaments that need to be shipped by the 10th. I love this swap. It is the one and only swap I have ever participated in.
On the 19th, I finally get to see a local neuro here about my spinal disease issues. I haven't had a nerve block for over eight months, so I am moving slowly around here. I usually get injections at least every 6-8 weeks. Hopefully they can do the injections in office like my last physician could. It would be so nice to be out of my flare before Christmas.
Boy, this is a downer post, but I just thought I would let everyone know what is up. We have settled in quite nicely here in California, we just have to get the health issues in check and start being more productive! I wish my body would accomplish one tenth of the things I sketch out and aspire to make. I have made a new mold for a 6 inch bowl and also a smaller mold for a tea cup or small bowl. My next task is making a mold of a vintage child's bowling pin. I love the shape, I think it would make a cool vase. This mold will be my first attempt at a slip-mold (a two part mold, much more technically difficult).
We are taking our kitty Suki to the vet tomorrow to see if they can do anything about her allergies, she has been sneezing up a storm. Poor thing....
That is it for now, Paul is on his way home and Caden is starving (as usual), time to make dinner!
I will try to post soon, but don't worry if I don't! Take care!
28 November 2007
Posted by
11/28/2007 08:33:00 PM
10 November 2007
Happy Birthday Mom!
Wishing you a very happy birthday, Mom! We miss you so much! Hope the weather is nice in Michigan so you can go to Saugatauk! Talk to you soon!
Posted by
11/10/2007 12:42:00 AM
06 November 2007
thank's mom!
this is one of the reason's why I miss Michigan...
my mom sent me pictures of a big storm blowing in off from Lake Michigan. Thanks mom, I miss you!
California is treating us well, though. The weather has been beautiful (as usual).
Caden is making new friends...
and joined the Boyscouts....
and we have been enjoying the nice weather, these pics are from a trip to a pumpkin patch with Caden's first grade class...
the corn maze, Caden towers over all of his class mates, he is not the oldest by far, but he is just so very tall....
sunflowers surrounding the pumpkin patch and corn fields.
a rooster that escaped his coop and followed us around for a while.
and a last shot of some more sunflowers...
I have been working in the studio, I made a few ornaments and a bowl. They are still drying, but I will take some pictures soon! Thanks for stopping by!
Posted by
11/06/2007 01:59:00 PM
Labels: caden, california