Well, I am back. I am excited to be back on the computer. I was banned from the computer during healing time...sometimes a break is good. I am feeling much better, thank you for all of your kind thoughts and prayers. It is so nice to be able to breathe through my nose. Ah, the simple things in life! I have lots to catch up on, it is nice to be able to stay awake during the day..the whole day. I was feeling a bit like a granny, needing an afternoon siesta to make it through the day!
Easter was nice. Caden has been aptly spoiled. But, his birthday is just around the corner, so more spoiling will be in order. He only has four more weeks of preschool. He is growing up so fast. He has made so many friends in the new neighborhood. There are a lot of little boys in the new neighborhood, really a nice mix. Everyone gets along really well, that is all we can ask for.
Spring has sprung here. We are discovering what plants we have here to work with, and also adding to the list of things to be done. The pool has been our biggest stepping stone. We cannot find any local companies to come out and kinda explain what goes where. Paul got it up and running, it is a balmy 42 degrees or so. Nice to look at and scoop leaves out of, that is about all the enjoyment we have gotten out of it yet.
I received my Amazon Japan order quite quickly. I am planning on making a spring purse like this:
I was really inspired by this also:
so many great patterns. Next, I would like to find a cute skirt pattern, for summer. By the time the purse is done, it will likely be fall ;) I am discovering that I have lofty ideas, but execution isn't so grand. I think I have crafting ADD! On the ceramic front, I have a lot of things ready to be fired in the kiln, but am waiting for Paul to help with the first firing, I am sorta afraid of hot things, and the kiln would qualify as quite hot! I am working on buttons and pendants mostly.
That is it for now, I better get going and work on some house stuff, I am so behind!
22 April 2006
Life is going on..
Posted by
4/22/2006 11:50:00 AM
04 April 2006
To celebrate my recovery from my surgery (which is tomorrow)-hey I am optimistic, I conquered Amazon Japan and completed an order! Paul still cannopt understand why I just need to have craft books in another language that I cannot read. But he just doesn't get it. In 3-4 weeks these will arrive, just in time for my recovery:
Oh I cannot wait--this will give me even more incentive to get better fast. I cannot believe Easter is so close. Yet another reason, the Easter Bunny has not prepared yet, Mr. Easter Bunny may need to do the preparations, but that will be ok, I heard he is good at all that stuff too. Can you tell I am nervous? I just keep blabbing on and on.
Oh by the way, shipping cost half the price of the three books, and that was international slow shipping, the kind that takes forever and is the cheapest of the cheap. Wow, I had no idea how much shipping is around the world.
Oh by the way..Zoey has healed well from her surgeries and is getting her stitches out today! When we got home today, after running a few errands, I called and called for her. She didn't come, then I started to hear the saddest meow you have ever heard. She had somehow become stuck in our closet, poor thing. She is no worse for wear and happily watching the chipmunks from our/or should I tell the truth and say her bay window! That would traumatize me!
Posted by
4/04/2006 01:50:00 PM