16 May 2005

our spur of the moment road trip to Macinac Island

Well, we decided to go up north this weekend. We ended up staying the night at a hotel in Macinac City with bridge views and beach frontage. The hotel was full "vintage" charm but the views were spectacular...with herons, Canadian geese and seagulls staring at us through the patio door. It was a little chilly, but beautiful. The water was carribean green, it didn't photograph well, but is was beautiful.

We took pictures of the bridge while driving, it was quite windy, as usual! It was quite a fun quick trip. Now Paul can truely know what up north is and how different the UP is! fun :)

the bridge

the view from the hotel

our "suitcase", we were not planning on going so far away, so we had to pick up some pj's and a few essentials for the stay overnight, exciting. Maybe the trip wouldn't have taken so long if Caden didn't need to stop and pee nine time..yes 9 times. (one way) I think he was intrigued by the potty shacks in the woods. Paul and I weren't so intrigued to say the least.

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